1,830,297,600 Seconds – not so Grumpy Ramblings
by Mike Vauthier
(Calculations : 365.245614035088 Days in a year * 58 yrs = 21184.24561403511 number of days ; 21184 number of days * 24 hours in a Day = 508416 number of hours ; 508416 number of hours * 60 minutes in an hour = 30504960 ; 30504960 minutes * 60 seconds in a minute = 1830297600 Seconds I have lived, Courtesy of the Texas Tortilla Factory Calculating Department )
They say the end is a Blink of the eye, well as of tomorrow, my 58th Birthday, I will have had close to 2 billon of these Blinks, and I am still alive and kickin’.
The second thing that comes to my mind now is this Vehicle called a body I am operating inside of. How cool is it. Not only does it have a pretty cool computer control center, when you get down to it each cell is just neater than ever, I mean when I cut the inside of the knuckle on my left thumb, it bleeds a little bit and then the drys up but then each of the individual cells kick in doing their own thing preprogrammed to heal the break in the skin. Heck the Mainframe computer upstairs here it does not have to do a thing except worry about the Big Rocks. By the way even though it, the mainframe, is aware of the numerous times I have cut the inside of my left thumb’s knuckle, I mean lapped of a big hunk of skin, or sometimes it lays there groaning in the blood, then I count to three, pulling it off on two, screaming on three, or just gritting my teeth, I still end up doing it. I mean am not taking a knife and say to myself hey you have not bleed lately so wack on your thumb Mike, it is when I am taking the Cheese knife and trimming the hard wax and cheese off the slice / hunk of cheese we have purchased. Oops their he goes again, and like “Ouch that really really hurts.” Now it is time to heal. Again.
Each day we age, everyone of us. Whether you are a spring chicken, or not, we all get older second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade, century by ….. well we will be lucky or not. to reach just one century mark. Me I will have to update the Mike page, to reflect 102 to go, as I have locked down in the Mainframe 1.6 Centuries for my life span. By the way we have not upgraded the system in quite a few years, there is only one processor handling things via the two spheres or sides of the Mainframe Computer. At the present time there is no way to download all it has accumulated over these 1.83 Billion of seconds. If we could it would take one heck of a supper computer comprised of X# of Xserve Servers all linked together.
I mean can you believe it. I mean, “CAN YOU REALLY BELIEVE IT !!” Our Mainframes storage units must contain billions of gigabyte ( a unit of information equal to one billion (10 9) or, strictly, 2 30 bytes. )…. no make that terabytes ( a unit of information equal to one million million (10 12) or strictly, 2 40 bytes ) of data, every second, every milliseconds of each second of our recorded life history, our every thought, everything that has happened, everyone we have pasted on the street, every passing thought or even down to each thoight ( my word for a mini thought classified as a thought that never was completed). By the way each byte has 8 bits of information. Go figure, haha.
The problem is access this information. they say, “If you don’t use it you lose it”. I do not believe it is lost it is just that we don’t, or did not access it enough to keep it the memory traces hard linked to that particular bit of information. So here we are walking down the street and wham we get hit with this thought out of no where. What woke that up? What refreshed and relinked that bit of information. Then there is our own internet so to speak.
The ether or aether, that is where it all is floating around in that cloud they draw between computers to indicate the internet, or the space between wireless network between each of our computers and the now the TV and Sound Systems. Well this ether is there between each of us, a kind of wireless connection between each and every one of us. In some cases it not only exists between our living in the flesh mainframe computers but those of our departed loved ones or for that matter some we never even knew. Some may call it a sixth sense, (a supposed intuitive faculty giving awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception : some sixth sense told him he was not alone.) OK you say, if you have read this far, “Mike you are going off track on this one.”
No just bear with me.
I think we have within this magnificent body, the vehicle we are trapped in, minutely taking care of our bodys, down past the cell level, and keeping things going voluntarily or involuntarily the Brain (mainframe) that we only use one tenth of. So the next time you are walking down the street and a thought or even a thoight hits you. Listen. Take the time to listen. It could be coming from our internet and the connection we have with one another as human beings and yes even from those who have pasted before us. Messages from all directions, through the all our means communication.
As my camras I call eyes, were rolling, I saw a film of a woman, standing in front a mixture of large and not so large pieces of a destroyed building that was once her home. I heard her cry and saw her reach to the heavenly sky, asking her God, “Why?” I felt her pain, i felt her angish, I felt her dispare. I hear and feel the cowboys playing outside, I have seen them in the streets of and between the tents of refugee camps playing ball and smiling to the camera. My cameras collected it all, millisecond by millisecond brought this unedited video to my mainframe for processing.
All we have to take a deep breath or two close our eyes and listen. And Maybe just maybe we can connect with one another enough to realize, we can all do something to preserve our well being and those of others. I mean every mainframe walking around just wants to live a life and provide for families so we can live in comfort and peace.
So the Mainframe is non stop 24 / 7 and I continue to process the information, and the more voluntary and immediate items are being dealt with, and the involuntary systems down to the cells and their chemicals healing another cut thumb. And all the Thoughts and the Thoights are there, all of them.
They are timeless.
© 2007 Texas Tortilla Factory – Mike Vauthier