Since Mom mentioned to Barbara one time, that she thought I travelled so much, because I was looking for my Twin…..I saw this in a Dutch Newspaper and thought about what she said. (Scanned Newspaper and photo of me… )
I have had this piece of a newspaper laying on my desk since January, yeah yeah procrastination I know. I have been meaning to scan it in and send it for awhile.
Just got a “Round-To-It” today. Well the writer of this article had it laying on his desk to before sending it to print 🙂 as he says in the article.
Well he is a little bit older than me, but thought he looked alot like what I will ( wink wink) in another 12 years or so.
A. L. Snijders is a pseudonym for his real name. He was born in 1937 in Amsterdam. He is a writer here in the Netherlands.
His latest book is called “Maskers” his best work, according to the writer of this article, is called “ZKV’s” short for Zeer Korte Verhalen, which means Very Short Tales.
He says of his work :
Myself I would rather live in a culture, which would remember stories instead of the writer.”
His Motto :
The language is not rich enough for love. the language is, however, an instrument for describing fraud.
Interesting Fellow.
Anyway thought You ALL would get a kick out of it.
The Poppadillo Blog, is the blog page for the Texas Tortilla Factory website, and its stories have been written by Mike Vauthier, and Administratively Approved Authors.