Ghost Sighting

My Ghost from May 20, 2008, in the Texas Hill Country.

It was late at night, around 2 am. I had just been outside photographing the moon. I came back to my room and was reviewing the photos I had just taken when this rush of cool air came over me. The only light I had on was a lamp on the bedside table. I felt a presence, so I looked toward the door of the room. Not seeing anything but feeling something or someone was there, I aimed the camera at the door and snapped a shot.

The camera’s screen went black and the camera itself locked up. I could do nothing with it. I took the battery out and put it back in and it finally allowed me to turn it off. Then after turning it back on I found this picture in my camera.



Oh yeah, goose bumps big time. Heck, I have them now as I type.

Strange indeed.

Do I believe in Ghost? Well now I do. The place I was staying at was out in the Texas Hill country, and had been rented a few times before. After asking around I found out that a young couple had lived here. The woman officially committed suicide, but other stories indicate that the Husband lost it one evening and killed her. If either are true I could understand this lost soul roaming around the house at night. Maybe she died around 2 am, I do not know.

All I do know is that the following nights I would wake up and feel this same presence I had before. Each time it was a very creepy feeling, keeping me up and awake until dawn would break. I finally spoke to it, and in so many words, said that it really needed to move on because there was nothing for it here in my world.

After doing this for a few days I did not awake or feel the presence of this individual again.



The Poppadillo Blog, is the blog page for the Texas Tortilla Factory website, and its stories have been written by Mike Vauthier, and Administratively Approved Authors.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.



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